Componentes Eletrônicos / Circuitos Integrados / 6S1565R


Ci FPS PWM 650V 150Khz TO-3P-5L

Converter Offline Topology Up to 150kHz TO-3P-5L

6S1565R - Fairchild Semiconductor
6S1565R Ci FPS PWM 650V 150Khz TO-3P-5L
Ci FPS PWM 650V 150Khz TO-3P-5L
*Imagens ilustrativas


Ci FPS PWM 650V 150Khz TO-3P-5L

Converter Offline Topology Up to 150kHz TO-3P-5L

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NCM: 85423190

6S1565R Ci FPS PWM 650V 150Khz TO-3P-5L

Condição de 6S1565R: novo em embalagem antiestática

Outros Part Numbers para este componente: FS6S1565RB-YDTU

The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) product family is specially designed for an off-line SMPS with minimal external components. The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) consist of high voltage power SenseFET and current mode PWM IC. Included PWM controller features integrated fixed oscillator, under voltage lock out, optimized gate turn-on/turn-off driver, thermal shut down protection, over voltage protection, and temperature compensated precision current sources for loop compensation and fault protection circuitry. compared to discrete MOSFET and controller or RCC switching converter solution, a Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) can reduce total component count, design size, and weight and at the same time increase efficiency, productivity, and system reliability. It has a basic platform well suited for cost effective monitor power supply.
Wide operating frequency range up to 150Khz 
Internal Burst mode Controller for Stand-by mode
Pulse by pulse over current limiting
Over current protection(Auto restart mode)
Over voltage protection (Auto restart mode)
Over load protection(Auto restart mode)
Internal thermal shutdown (Auto restart mode)
Under voltage lockout
Internal high voltage sense FET
Eternal sync terminal/Soft start
Internal Switch: Yes
Voltage Breakdown: 650V
Voltage Start Up: 15V
Voltage Supply (Vcc/Vdd): 9V to 35V
Duty Cycle: 95%
Frequency Switching: Up to 150kHz
Fault Protection: Current Limiting, Over Load, Over Temperature, Over Voltage
Control Features: Soft Start, Sync
Operating Temperature: -25C 85C

6S1565R Ci FPS PWM 650V 150Khz TO-3P-5L

Condição de 6S1565R: novo em embalagem antiestática

Tags de 6S1565R: 6S1565RB, FS6S1565R, FS6S1565RB-YDTU, FS6S1565RBYDTU, 6S1565R B,, Fairchild Semiconductor

6S1565R Ci FPS PWM 650V 150Khz TO-3P-5L