Componentes Eletrônicos / Circuitos Integrados / Memória EPROM / Q80B-104HIP


8Mb Serial Flash Memory with 4Kbyte Uniform Sector

Q80B-104HIP - Eon cFeon
Q80B-104HIP 8Mb Serial Flash Memory with 4Kbyte Uniform Sector
8Mb Serial Flash Memory with 4Kbyte Uniform Sector
*Imagens ilustrativas


8Mb Serial Flash Memory with 4Kbyte Uniform Sector

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Q80B-104HIP 8Mb Serial Flash Memory with 4Kbyte Uniform Sector

Condição de Q80B-104HIP: novo em embalagem comercial

The EN25Q80B is an 8 Megabit (1024K-byte) Serial Flash memory, with advanced write protection mechanisms. The EN25Q80B supports the standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), and a high performance Dual output as well as Quad I/O using SPI pins: Serial Clock, Chip Select, Serial DQ0(DI), DQ1(DO), DQ2(WP#) and DQ3(NC). SPI clock frequencies of up to 104MHz are supported allowing equivalent clock rates of 208MHz (104MHz x 2) for Dual Output and 416MHz (104MHz x 4) for Quad Output when using the Dual/Quad Output Fast Read instructions. The memory can be programmed 1 to 256 bytes at a time, using the Page Program instruction.

The EN25Q80B is designed to allow either single Sector/Block at a time or full chip erase operation. The EN25Q80B can be configured to protect part of the memory as the software protected mode. The device can sustain a minimum of 100K program/erase cycles on each sector or block.

Q80B-104HIP 8Mb Serial Flash Memory with 4Kbyte Uniform Sector

Maiores detalhes de Q80B-104HIP no site do fabricante:

Condição de Q80B-104HIP: novo em embalagem comercial

Tags de Q80B-104HIP: Q80B-104HIP, EN25Q80B-104HIP, Q32b-104hip, EN25Q80B, chip de bios para notebook, ci de bios para notebook, ic bios laptop, bios 8mb notebook, Eon cFeon

Q80B-104HIP 8Mb Serial Flash Memory with 4Kbyte Uniform Sector